How to prepare your spreadsheet before the import

Header of the table

MiniCRM recognizes the relevant fields to which data should be imported based on the name of the header.

There are four types of data that can be imported: Card, Company, Person, Address (you can import more than one person and address to a company)
  • To import a company’s name, name the header of the company name column like this: Company: Company name
  • To import a qualification, name the header like this: Opportunity: Qualification
  • To import the email address of a person/contact person, name the header like this: Opportunity: Email
  • To import a city, name the header like this: Address1: City
Here you can find a Sample file.

Structure of Rows

One row = one customer

Make sure that a company/person is only entered into one row, otherwise, data can be mixed up.

Structure of Columns

One column = one data

Make sure that the data of your customers (name, email address, phone number etc.) is only entered into one row.

Email addresses

Make sure that the format of the email addresses is correct, otherwise, the row will not be imported.

Dropdown lists and Checkboxes

To import successfully, the value to be imported have to be exactly equal to the field value in MiniCRM.

The most common field is Person: Position. You can find pre-defined values, for example, Chief Executive.

  • Correct value: Chief Executive
  • Wrong values: chief executive, chiefexecutive, Chief executive
Make sure that all characters are identical.

Date field

You should type the date in the following format: DD-MM-YYYY-HH:MM / 08-10-2017 10:00.

Number field

It is easy, you can import numbers. 🙂